“The Water Resources and Development Act of 2020 takes critical steps to preserve our natural resources and modernize our nation’s water infrastructure,” said Rep. Gallagher. “Most importantly, it includes a number of provisions I authored that will improve flood mitigation infrastructure in our community, ensure local ports have increased funding, and protect our Great Lakes from invasive species. This is a huge win for Northeast Wisconsin and I look forward to President Trump signing it into law.”
“We want to thank Rep. Gallagher for his leadership to produce bipartisan legislation unanimously passed by the House today that puts the power of nature-based solutions front and center, including funding for the Great Lakes Navigation System and local flood control projects,” said Todd Holshbach, Director of Government Relations, The Nature Conservancy Wisconsin State Chapter. “Thanks to his efforts, this legislation will help ensure that critical water resources projects produce multiple benefits for people and nature while targeting resources to disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. It will also help stop the spread of invasive species into the Great Lakes and further the restoration of lands and waters throughout the upper Mississippi River basin.”