WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) today released the following statement after the House again failed to pass a bipartisan Coronavirus relief package.
“This morning, the Speaker made her views clear: when it comes to Coronavirus relief, she thinks nothing is better than something. The businesses on the brink of closing, schools struggling to reopen, and hospitals in need of additional support would vehemently disagree.
“Today the House could have passed – with overwhelming bipartisan support – common sense legislation to renew the Paycheck Protection Program, allow small businesses to apply for news loans, and free up nearly a $140 billion in unspent funding to help hard working Americans keep the lights on. Instead, House Democrats wasted time on a $2 trillion liberal wish list that has no chance of becoming law. The American people deserve better.
“As I wrote alongside 33 of my colleagues last week, the Speaker should immediately cancel October recess until we come together and deliver real, bipartisan relief. We have no business being on vacation until we get our work done.”
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