Washington, DC—Moments ago, Rep. Ron Kind voted to pass the bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which establishes paid leave, provides free coronavirus testing, protects frontline health workers, distributes additional funding to states for the ongoing economic consequences of the pandemic, and other actions. Included in the package is Rep. Kind’s legislation that will make testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) free for seniors who receive coverage through Medicare Advantage.

“It is critically important that every Wisconsinite is able to be tested for COVID-19 free of charge. This legislation ensures that no one will have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses for testing and gives every American the ability to stay home when sick without having to worry about missing a paycheck,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “This is a first step towards protecting working families against the financial impact that COVID-19 may have.”

This package follows the $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending package signed into law last week. That package included support for state and local health agencies, vaccine and treatment development, and loans for affected small businesses to lessen the economic blow of this public health emergency.


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