“It’s imperative for Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu to reconvene the state legislature and pass Governor Evers’ mask order, necessary temporary occupancy orders, as well as other legislation to protect Wisconsin residents and businesses during COVID-19.
“It’s also urgent that the state expand its testing across senior living facilities—from nursing homes to assisted living centers—and ensure our testing strategy is active, not reactive. Additionally, according to experts, Wisconsin is far below its necessary level of hired contact tracers per multiple models. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have consistently said we need testing, tracing and isolation. Without contact tracing, it is impossible to seriously reduce our numbers.
“Lastly, at the federal level, it’s time for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to get off vacation and pass new COVID relief immediately. The House has passed two different relief bills that the Senate has completely ignored. With eviction moratoriums expiring and enhanced unemployment already lapsing, the American people cannot wait for the GOP’s political games any longer. The time to take action at all levels is now.”