WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement announcing her support for the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA).

“President Trump’s trade wars have hurt our Wisconsin economy and more than 1,900 dairy farms have gone out of business since he took office. The President’s deal with Mexico and Canada fell short but I support the improvements Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats won to make this a better trade deal that I can support. The USMCA implementing legislation includes many changes I have pushed for with the Trump administration, including truly enforceable labor standards that benefit our workers, and making sure that we confront Canada’s unfair trade barriers and Mexico’s limits on Wisconsin cheese exports so that we have a trade deal that increases market access for our Wisconsin dairy farmers and cheesemakers. NAFTA, which I opposed, cost Wisconsin jobs and needed to be fixed. I will vote for the USMCA because it is a better deal for farmers, manufacturers, businesses and workers. Going forward, President Trump needs to understand Wisconsin needs better trade deals, not trade wars and that in order to stop the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs we not only need fair trade deals, our workers need tax reform that rewards their hard work and doesn’t encourage corporations to send their jobs to other countries.”



February 2, 2017Senator Baldwin met with Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and pushed for addressing unfair Canadian trade barriers.

March 28, 2017Senator Baldwin pressed President Trump to address the situation in trade discussions with Canada.

April 12, 2017Senator Baldwin called on Acting U.S. Trade Representative Stephen Vaughn, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Acting Secretary of Agriculture Michael Young to immediately address this issue with the Canadian government.

April 27, 2017: Senator Baldwin led fellow dairy state Senators in urging Secretary Perdue to take immediate action with USDA programs that can assist dairy farmers harmed by restrictive Canadian trade barriers.

June 13, 2017: Senator Baldwin Questions Secretary Perdue on Unfair Canadian Dairy Trade Barriers and USDA Budget Cuts.

November 15, 2017Senator Baldwin led 17 of her Senate colleagues in a letter to United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, asking him to improve the proposed labor chapter in USMCA.

April 11, 2018: Senator Baldwin Presses Agriculture Secretary on Wisconsin Trade and Dairy Priorities.

May 15, 2018: Senator Baldwin led a bipartisan group of Senators to urge U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to ensure Mexico honors its existing trade commitments and rejects the EU’s unfair trade proposal that will harm American cheese exporters, processors and dairy. farmers.

An online version of this statement is available here.


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