UW-Stevens Point campuses will welcome students to its three campuses this fall.
“While many details are being developed to ensure a safe learning and living environment, we will be here for you as the fall semester begins Sept. 2,” Chancellor Bernie Patterson said in a message to students.
Classes will be taught in a mixture of in-person, hybrid and online formats, with as much face-to-face learning as health and safety guidelines allow. Classes with more than 50 students will be delivered online. Students may choose to take most classes online if they are not comfortable attending in person.
“We will continue to create community-building experiences, central to university life, both in person and online,” Patterson said. “Our goal is to provide a robust learning experience while maximizing safety on our campuses and in the community.”
Comprehensive plans are being developed to guide the safe return to campus by students, faculty and staff members. Local, state and federal health guidelines are closely followed to protect students and employees from the coronavirus and to prepare for an effective response as needed.
Increased precautions, including physical distancing, personal protections and additional cleaning and sanitizing, have been implemented to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Employees and students will be expected to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, and everyone on campuses must wear cloth face coverings.
“The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff members has been our top priority and will continue to be as the new academic year begins,” Patterson said.
Student housing in residence halls will continue to be available. First- and second-year students who prefer to live off-campus or at home may request a waiver from on-campus residency requirements this year.
Currently UW-Stevens Point’s three campuses generally remain closed to the public, with no events for outside groups larger than 10. Retail businesses in the Dreyfus University Center, including University Store, U.S. Bank and Haircraft will be open with appropriate safeguards in place.
Spring commencement has been tentatively rescheduled for the second week in December.
“Standing strong in tough times is part of our history and culture at UW-Stevens Point. Since opening in 1894, we’ve helped each other through wars, natural disasters, economic hardships and more,” Patterson said. “This fall will be no different.”
More on UW-Stevens Point’s response and return-to-campus guidelines for summer can be found on the COVID-19 webpage.