HAGER CITY, WI – Following Monday’s Supreme Court ruling striking down a Louisiana law defending life, Derrick Van Orden released the following statement:
“I’m stunned and disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision this morning. Every single life is precious, and we as Americans are guaranteed a right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I will never back down to protect life when I’m in Washington.
Ron Kind has never taken a stand to protect life in his more than 20 years in Congress. He has a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL. This radical support for abortion does not reflect Wisconsin’s 3rd District. We need action to defend life, and I will lead from the front in Congress.”
Derrick has been endorsed by Wisconsin Right to Life and has been a leading voice on the issue throughout his campaign.
To learn more about Derrick Van Orden, visit VanOrdenForCongress.com.