Audio file of radio address.

Lt. Gov. Barnes today delivered the Democratic Radio Address asking all college students in Wisconsin to wear face coverings or masks and practice social distancing in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on our college campuses.

Hey everybody, I’m Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, and I just want to share a message for all the college students in our state.

Now, we know this semester hasn’t started out the way that any of you hoped. We know that you’ve probably had some or you may have even had all of your classes transition online. We also know you haven’t been able to participate in in-person orientation or celebrate the start of the year with your friends the way you normally would.

And we also recognize that some of you have even had to quarantine in your dorms in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Like everyone else in our state, you have all made tremendous sacrifices because of this pandemic.

But unfortunately, we still see cases continue to rise at far too high of a rate on many of our college campuses, and we need to get this virus under control, so that you all can have the college experience that you dreamed of, and the experience that you deserve.

College isn’t just about your coursework 24/7. Believe me, I get it.

But in order for you to participate in all the things that make college so memorable, you all need to wear masks anytime you leave the dorm room or your apartment. And we also need you to do your best to stay 6 feet away from others, even if you’re both wearing masks.

Now, this isn’t just about you or your own health. It’s about the health of everyone that you may interact with. And the health of the people that they interact with, and so on.

So I’m counting on each and every one of you to do your part and #MaskUp to keep your friends and roommates, your campus faculty and staff, and the broader communities you all belong to safe from the spread of this deadly virus.

None of this is easy, and it’s also not fun, but there are better days ahead if we all just commit to doing our part.

So thank you for listening, please #MaskUp, and let’s get through this together.