(Ashland, Wis.) – Recognizing the need to ensure safe energy and promote jobs and economic growth, the Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition is launching today and promoting a Line 5 relocation in northern Wisconsin that would be a significant job creator and economic driver for the region. In a time of economic uncertainty, the coalition will support commonsense initiatives and sensible efforts in the state of Wisconsin like the relocation of Line 5 that will help ensure the continued delivery of safe, affordable, and reliable energy while creating jobs and generating economic growth that benefits everyone.
“Now more than ever, Wisconsin needs worthwhile energy projects that will provide long-term value to our way of life and ensure the communities we call home will benefit and prosper,” said co-chair Jackson Kysar, a small business owner in Marengo who is the Vice President of Operations at Utilities Conservation Company. “I am proud to co-chair the Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition and help guide pro-growth efforts in the state we call home.”
“With hundreds of my Local 11 union members living in northern Wisconsin, I am pleased to be part of this coalition devoted to energy projects that will provide good-paying jobs for Wisconsin families,” said co-chair Andrew Campeau, the Business Manager for the Plumbers, Pipefitters, Steamfitters Services Techs Union, United Association Local 11 which has served Wisconsin for 130 years. “Wisconsin workers are skilled and well-trained and I look forward to helping the Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition promote the Line 5 relocation that would positively impact our regional economy.”
The Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition is a growing alliance of Wisconsinites working together to ensure affordable and reliable energy while creating jobs and generating economic growth in Wisconsin. One project the Wisconsin Jobs & Energy Coalition is currently promoting is the Line 5 relocation project. In response to legal action taken by the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians, a potential reroute of a 12-mile segment has been proposed.
“The construction of the proposed 42-mile reroute around the reservation would strengthen our economy and give a much-needed boost to job growth in northern Wisconsin,” said Kysar.
Line 5 is a vital link to propane and other energy supplies in Wisconsin and across the upper Midwest playing a vital role in ensuring North American energy security by helping to heat homes, schools, businesses, and power vehicles. The Line 5 reroute project could create more than 700 construction jobs and provide additional revenue that our communities rely on now more than ever.
“The Line 5 relocation would be an economic boost northern Wisconsin needs while safely transporting energy supplies to our homes, farms, and businesses throughout the Midwest,” said Campeau.
For more information about the WJEC, please visit: WIJobsandEnergy.com