(WISCONSIN) — Hours after senior Wisconsinites spoke out about how their lives would be completely destroyed if their Social Security was cut, Donald Trump announced in a Wisconsin tele-rally that he was continuing to pursue his executive order that would cut funding for this vital program.

Trump continues to break his promise to Wisconsinites to not cut Social Security, claiming at a march 2016 rally in Appleton “I’m not going to do that,” and then less than one month later proclaiming “I’m going to save your Social Security.”

Watch below to see how Appleton resident Sarah Conklin, one of hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites who relies on Social Security, would be impacted by Trump’s executive order.

Crystal Porter is dependent on Social Security to help pay for her and her husband’s bills. She also works at a senior center, highlighting:

“Donald Trump’s attack on our Social Security and Medicare would be very devastating to all of us… If one of us should get sick with COVID and our benefits are cut, where do we go? Do we lose our home? Are we out in the street?… We depend on that Social Security to live.

Ms. Conklin and Ms. Porter were joined by 8th Congressional District candidate Amanda Stuck, who spoke out for the roughly 150,000 candidates in her district who rely on Social Security:

“Folks like my grandma who worked her entire life… raised her family here and now relies on Social Security. They are very worried about what cuts or defunding will mean to them… In the economy that we have now, we know we can’t afford to be cutting these benefits at all… This is something that really is going to be on the ballot, that people are going to be watching, and they should know who is actually looking out for them and who really wants to cut their livelihood and their benefits.”

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