MADISON – Democratic Party spokeswoman, Kate Constalie, released the following statement on Republican State Senate candidate Dan Kanpanke’s history of breaking the law and ethics violations.
“Dan Kapanke’s illegal behavior and ethics violations are just more reasons why voters have rejected him over and over again. Like President Trump, Kapanke has repeatedly shown that the rules do not apply to him or his staff. Kapanke wants to paint himself as a ‘law and order’ candidate, but his record shows his own inability to follow the law. He’s a hypocrite and lacks the integrity required for elected office.”
Timeline of Dan Kapanke Scandals:
2001: Dan Kapanke began his career-long streak of ethical violations with involvement in the caucus scandal. In the midst of the caucus scandal, Dan Kapanke admitted that as a candidate, he repeatedly called the Senate Republican Caucus for advice on his campaign. [Wisconsin State Journal, 5/20/2001]
2006: Senator Kapanke’s legislative aide is fined for using state resources for campaign purposes. [The Isthmus, 12/7/06]
2008: Senator Kapanke uses his position to strong arm the Department of Commerce into relaxing state building code requirements on his baseball team. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/13/2008]
2009: Another Kapanke aide is fined for campaigning on state time, this time for his Congressional campaign. Kapanke’s aide organized two economic forums paid for by Senator Kapanke’s campaign. The aide failed to take proper vacation time in advance violating state ethics law. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/13/09]
2009: Kapanke reimburses the state $38,000 after taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for Senator Kapanke’s ethics violation regarding open records laws.[Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/11/09]
2010: Senator Kapanke admitted to illegally using charitable funds for personal purposes. [Winona Daily News, 8/26/10]