MADISON – During the first presidential debate, when asked to condemn white supremacy, President Trump not only refused but encouraged white supremacy groups to “stand by.” Today, it has been reported that the racist Proud Boys organization is celebrating Trump’s apparent endorsement of their violence and hate. Given Republican State Senate candidate Dan Kapanke’s outspoken support for President Trump, Democratic Party spokeswoman, Kate Constalie released, the following statement:
“President Trump and Dan Kapanke are one in the same when it comes to inciting fear in our communities. It is despicable and dangerous that President Trump continues to fan the flames of hatred and instigate violence in our country. What’s even worse is Republican candidates like Dan Kapanke that obediently stand by Trump’s side and refuse to condemn this rhetoric. Our communities are facing a serious health crisis right now and Dan Kapanke and Donald Trump are more focused on dividing our state and country.”