From his trade wars to his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump has continuously failed to stand up to China.

After nearly four years in office, it’s clear: Trump’s chaotic trade policy has failed American workers. 

Farmers, from dairy to produce, have been devastated by Trump’s trade war with China.

Farmers got virtually nothing for what the trade war has cost them. 

  • After promising roughly $50 billion in purchases from China in Phase One, the USDA predicted China would only purchase $14 billion in agriculture products.
  • Trump’s farm-aid packages have done little to make up for what small and medium-size family farms have lost as a result of Trump’s trade war with China.
  • Trump pushed for a grand photo of the signing of Phase One at the same time he was ignoring the warnings of COVID-19 from his intelligence community.

Manufacturers have also felt the burden of Trump’s trade war and his kowtowing to the Chinese government in the early months of the pandemic.

  • Under Donald Trump’s watch, Wisconsin’s trade deficit has ballooned $5 billion from 2016 to 2019.
  • Despite grand promises, Wisconsin is down more than 6,000 manufacturing jobs since Donald Trump took office, with the Badger state losing factory jobs in 2019 and through the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • In July, Harley Davidson announced they were laying off 700 workers. Trump previously called for a boycott of the Milwaukee based motorcycle manufacturing company.
    • Briggs & Stratton, a small engine manufacturer, filed for bankruptcy and plans to sell its assets.
    • Verso Papers announced it was firing 900 of its employees from the Wisconsin Rapids plant because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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