(WISCONSIN) — Ahead of Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention, Wisconsinites from across the state are speaking out on his failure to lead. From exacerbating racial tensions and refusing to stand up for social justice, to his attacks on the health care system and our environment, to his failure to properly prepare for and address the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsinites are making it clear they can’t afford four more years of this president and his ineffective leadership.
Listen to their stories below:
Wisconsin mother Jennifer neary talks about Trump failing Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions, including her son battling cancer:
Health care professional Bob Scieszinski from Door County speaks out about Trump’s heinous attacks on our health care system:
Retired Park Falls teacher Ginny Bosse says she is voting for Joe Biden because public education is vital to our country’s youth:
President of the Wisconsin Farmers Union Darin Von Ruden, from Vernon County, talks about the how dairy farms have shuttered because of Trump:
Appleton resident Sarah Conklin, who has preexisting conditions, talks about why voting for Joe Biden means voting for life-saving health care coverage:
Pediatrician John Perryman, from southern Wisconsin, speaks to the importance of health care, and why Trump has failed Wisconsinites, including his wife, who are fighting COVID-19:
Paul, a teacher from Hudson, talks about why voting for Democrats will lead help strengthen essential public education here in Wisconsin:
Small business owner Lynn Zawojski, from Door county, talks about how Trump has abandoned small business and the economy with his failed response to COVID-19:
Melissa Schroeder, from rural Northern Wisconsin, speaks to how important it is to vote for Joe Biden to protect the ACA and help those who lack easy access to health care services: