[Madison, WI] – Yesterday, Democrats and Republicans gathered in Madison to cast their electoral votes. Among the Democrat Electors was Patty Schachtner, an outgoing state senator who appears to have fraudulently claimed she was “indefinitely confined” when voting absentee earlier this year.

The Republican Party of Wisconsin has repeatedly raised this issue with the courts about the abuse of these laws, even well before November’s election. Clerks in Dane and Milwaukee county illegally urged individuals to use indefinite confinement as a way to request an absentee ballot without following the photo identification safeguards.

Read the report from WISN’s Dan O’Donnell on Schachtner’s indefinite confinement here, or find excerpts from his story below:

Dem State Senator, a Biden Elector, Falsely Claims Indefinite Confinement
Dan O’Donnell
December 14, 2020

Democratic State Senator Patricia Schachtner, one of Wisconsin’s ten electors who cast the state’s electoral votes for Joe Biden Monday, claimed that she was “indefinitely confined” to her home ahead of the November election, but pictures posted on her Facebook page show her out and about campaigning and enjoying leisure time away from home.

Schachtner and her husband Joseph appear on the Wisconsin Elections Commission list of nearly 250,000 voters who signed a statement on their mail-in ballots that they were indefinitely confined to their homes because of “because of age, physical illness or infirmity” or if they are “disabled for an indefinite period.”

The Wisconsin Elections Commission’s list of indefinitely confined voters obtained by “The Dan O’Donnell Show” includes both Schachtner, a Democrat from Somerset who lost her bid for re-election last month, and her husband.

The list does not include the date on which Schachtner first claimed to be indefinitely confined, but a review of her official Facebook page shows that she was most certainly not confined to her home as she campaigned for re-election and engaged in leisure activities.

Wisconsin Statute 12.13 defines election fraud as making “false statements to the municipal clerk, board of election commissioners, or any other election official whether or not under oath.”

A false statement of indefinite confinement is a false statement to elections officials, and thus could be a Class I felony punishable by 3.5 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.

Additionally, making “false statements in order to obtain an absentee ballot” is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine “of not more than $1,000, not more than six-months imprisonment or both.”

Shachtner was at the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison Monday to cast her ballot as one of Wisconsin’s ten electors. Those ten, all Democratic politicians, party officials and other allies, voted unanimously to cast the state’s electoral votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Read the full story here.

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