With the State Supreme Court striking down the extension of the Safer at Home order, Wisconsin is now without a comprehensive, statewide strategy for combatting the ongoing threat of COVID-19.
While municipalities and counties are implementing policies to address the disease within their individual communities, this patchwork of policies will not be the most effective for protecting the health and safety of all Wisconsinites.
We urge Republican legislative leaders and the Evers administration to work together to develop and implement a bipartisan statewide strategy. WALHDAB and WPHA believe public health interests and economic interests should be complementary ideas, not competing ideas. We support the concept of using a data-driven, evidence-based process for re-starting Wisconsin’s economy and believe common ground exists.
The threat of COVID-19 and the devastating effect it could have on our healthcare systems and economy is not over. The absence of a statewide policy only exacerbates that threat. A thoughtful, comprehensive strategy is still needed.
The state has made progress in addressing this public health emergency, and we need to remain committed to sound, research-based practice to make sure we sustain our progress to date and best position our communities for future growth and prosperity. To do otherwise will only further delay our return to a strong and vibrant economy.
The Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB) and the Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) represent over 1,200 public health professionals statewide and are dedicated to promoting and protecting public health in Wisconsin.