(Kimberly, WI) – October 7, 2020 – Following Governor Evers’ issuing Emergency Order #3, the Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB) and Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) issued the following statement:
“WALHDAB and WPHA support Governor Evers’ Emergency Order. Wisconsin is experiencing an alarming rise in infection rates statewide. The state has become the hotspot of the nation. Local and tribal public health departments are already strained in workforce capacity to manage spread and Wisconsin’s hospitals are experiencing a surge in patients. In this regard, yesterday’s order is a reasonable and necessary action to discourage ongoing spread of the virus, protect communities and ensures hospitals do not approach crisis levels.
Emergency Order #3 is consistent with best practices and similar to successful strategies utilized in other states, like Florida, Texas, and Georgia. Limiting occupancy at non-essential indoor facilities allows those facilities to remain open for business while preserving health and safety. Many public entities and private businesses have already implemented best practices to provide a safe setting for the public.
However, requiring consistency statewide ensures ongoing utilization of best practices as we navigate the rapid rise in cases in the coming weeks.
The bottom line is that the rate of spread is the fastest and most dangerous it has ever been in Wisconsin.
As long as we are without a vaccine and effective, accessible therapy options, our best tool for stopping the spread and saving lives is to limit unnecessary gatherings. We commend Governor Evers on recognizing that a statewide approach is needed to achieve this.
Emergency Order #3 is a floor level of mitigation at this stage of the pandemic. We thank the many businesses and organizations in the state that have voluntarily adopted capacity restrictions and require other basic prevention measures. And there is more we can all do on our part to further reduce disease spread. We must all continue to wear face coverings, wash hands and social distance. Our shared commitment to all of these basic prevention measures is our best opportunity to slow the spread.”
Additionally, Governor Evers announced yesterday investments in an additional $100 Million in Wisconsin small businesses and economic stabilization. Find the press release here:
Together, WPHA and WALHDAB represent over 1,200 public health professionals in communities across Wisconsin, striving to prevent, promote, and protect the citizens of the state. WPHA and WALHDAB actively engage in legislative advocacy and we are committed to promoting a healthy population and workforce.