MILWAUKEE, WI – Aisha Carr, educator, and Milwaukee School Board candidate for District 4, placed first in a four-way primary on February 16th. In the newly narrowed field, Aisha Carr addressed recent negativity, “Some of my friends, neighbors, fellow educators, and former students have told me about materials that my opponent and her supporters are spreading. These are negative, nasty, and filled with falsehoods about who I am and what I stand for.
MPS funding needs to stay in the District. Period. I will resolutely reject any efforts to privatize Milwaukee Public Schools. I am a proud supporter and graduate of Milwaukee Public Schools. My daughter also attends MPS. I am the only candidate with experience as an MPS educator. In fact, I have years of experience as a special education and English teacher with MPS. Moreover, I led two district-wide initiatives as a union member. As MPS District 4’s school board representative, I am fully committed to uplifting our public schools and providing avenues for all students to succeed.
These attacks are complete distractions from what matters most; our children and making sure they have a school board member with experience and firsthand knowledge of our schools to stand up for them. Experience matters so much in this time of crisis, that’s why I got into this race. Our students are struggling. Our kids deserve an experienced advocate with a proven record in education and a commitment to public service.”
The general election for Milwaukee School Board District 4 will be held on April 6th.