Milwaukee, WI — Yesterday, Senator Ron Johnson forced U.S. Senate clerks to read the entire 600+ page American Rescue Plan bill in order to further delay its passage. During the nearly 11 hours it took to read the bill, it’s estimated that almost 900 Americans died of COVID-19. In response, Dr. Madelaine Tully, a family physician in Milwaukee, released the following statement:
“Throughout this pandemic, my fellow doctors and I have been using every tool available to save lives and stop the spread of this deadly disease, while Senator Johnson has sought to undermine those tools — and our chances at finally getting COVID-19 under control. Make no mistake — Johnson’s partisan tricks are deadly. While Wisconsinites are begging to get vaccinated, Johnson single-handedly delayed the passage of the American Relief Plan and its funding to get more shots in arms. Meanwhile, hundreds more Americans, who didn’t get the protection of a vaccination, perished from COVID-19. As we continue to lose our fellow Wisconsinites and Americans, we’ll remember Johnson’s role in this ongoing tragedy.”