June 11, 2021
Contact: DNR Office of Communications

UPDATE: DNR Assisting With Cleanup Of Manure Spill
Near The Town Of Merrill, Investigation Ongoing


MERRILL, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is assisting with the investigation of a manure spill that occurred at a dairy farm in southern Lincoln County.

On June 9, 2021, the DNR was notified of an unknown amount of liquid manure running off of a field into Devil Creek, resulting in an observable fish kill at multiple locations within the creek and the Wisconsin River.

The manure release was reported to have originated off of Joe Snow Road, approximately 4 miles southwest of the Town of Merrill, Lincoln County, Wisconsin.

The source has been identified and no additional manure is being released from the manure pit. Some additional run off may occur but the scene is secure and stabilized.

The DNR is continuing to monitor the situation and investigate the release. In addition, our Emergency Response Zone Contractor has staged a vac truck nearby which will remain through the weekend should the situation deteriorate.

The amount of manure and duration of the release is still unknown. Water quality continues to improve.

No further details are available at this time.

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