July 9, 2021 is the deadline for women and men to apply for the 67th recruit class of the Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP).
“People who are ideal candidates for the state patrol are as varied as the job,” WSP Superintendent Anthony Burrell said. “We encourage officers to pursue their own interests which may include working as a K-9 officer, pilot, or as a member of the dignitary protection or technical reconstruction units. All contribute to travelers and commerce moving safely.”
No law experience is needed. Qualified candidates must pass physical readiness testing, background investigation, interview, and pre-employment medical and psychological exams. Applicants have five years from their date of hire with the State Patrol to earn an associate degree or 60 college credits.
Extensive training
Those accepted into the six-month State Patrol Academy at Fort McCoy receive a salary plus meals and lodging during their Monday to Friday training. Cadets learn from experienced officers with the goal of strengthening communication skills, self-confidence, physical and mental capabilities.
Upon graduation from the State Patrol Academy, new troopers and inspectors are assigned take-home cruisers and receive 12 additional weeks of field training with a Field Training Officer and are based out of one of the five WSP regions.
Opportunities to learn more (visit wsp.wi.gov)
WSP is conducting virtual information sessions every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. through July 6, 2021. A recruitment officer will provide a rundown of the current hiring timeline, share tips on how to prepare for a career at WSP and answer any questions.
- Meet a Recruiter – Virtual Information Sessions: Register to participate via Microsoft TEAMS https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=HNHi9OT6O0W2wClkZjd5qhAigWM2DN9MmVR5gLg1vBNUNUtFRDRRSktRQkk2M0c2WlI2RlgyNEZGTS4u
In addition, recruiters are available for questions at each WSP post: https://wsp.wi.gov/Pages/Recruitment-Coordinator-Map.aspx.
More information about careers with the Wisconsin State Patrol can be found on the WSP recruitment website. The State Patrol is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.