The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) invites the public to review and offer comments on the 2021 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan.

The ADA Transition Plan provides information about WisDOT’s efforts to continually improve accessibility throughout the state highway system including roadside facilities, navigability within public rights of way and public input processes. Per federal law, the transition plan is regularly maintained with opportunities for public input.

WisDOT encourages anyone interested to participate in the 30-day public comment period August 25, 2021 through September 23, 2021.

“WisDOT remains committed to creating the safest and most useful transportation system possible for people of all abilities,” WisDOT Secretary-designee Craig Thompson said. “We encourage everyone to review the plan and provide any thoughts or feedback that may help us improve on the agency’s current efforts.”

The plan is available on WisDOT’s website at

The Transition Plan is an update on the policies, procedures and practices that fulfill the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Public comments on the plan will be used to help guide the department’s strategy for ADA improvements moving forward.

All WisDOT roadside facilities are built to current ADA standards at the time of planning and construction. Older facilities continue to receive updates as part of planned improvements and as resources are available.