STURGEON BAY, Wisc. – Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding hosted U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin yesterday as she toured the shipyard to see recent infrastructure improvements and speak with men and women who work in one of the most capable Great Lakes shipyards.

“Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding is an industry leader in the construction, repair and conversion of USCG and commercial vessels, and we are lucky to have them here in Sturgeon Bay,” said Sen. Tammy Baldwin. “I am glad to partner with them on the maritime issues facing the Great Lakes and will continue to advocate for strong Buy America policies to support the domestic shipbuilding industrial base.”

Baldwin was in Northeast Wisconsin to meet with local Coast Guard members, tour Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, and to conduct a listening session with maritime industry representatives.

“We enjoy showing our elected officials our talented team and world-class facilities,” said Dario Deste, President and CEO of Fincantieri Marine Group. “Having Sen. Baldwin here is also a great reminder to our shipyard teammates that the work they do each day is critical to the U.S. maritime industry as well as commerce beyond the Great Lakes.”

Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding continues to be one of the most important shipyards in the Great Lakes, as one of only two shipyards authorized to conduct emergency repairs of vessels of the Great Lakes fleet, like 1,000-ft. Lakers. Bay Shipbuilding also designs and builds new ships, like the LNG bunkering barge, which is nearing completion later this year. Bay is most notably associated with the annual servicing and repair work of many of the Great Lakes fleet each winter.