Contact: Tony Mayrhofer, Business Manager
Iron Workers Local 8, (414) 476-9370
Wisconsin Iron Workers applaud Governor Evers for a bold executive budget that prioritizes our communities, working families, and will revitalize our great state going forward.
Vital infrastructure projects like the I94 East/West expansion will create thousands of
construction jobs, provide much needed investment in critical infrastructure, and increase
safety on our state’s bridges, roads and highways.
The Governor’s investment in small business, education, child care, and public transit will
bolster our economy and lead us out of the pandemic even stronger than before.
Governor Evers commitment to Wisconsin workers and families is evident by his efforts to
repeal the so-called “Right to Work” law and restore Prevailing Wage laws that keep Wisconsin workers on Wisconsin taxpayer-funded jobs. We have seen firsthand the destructive impact of anti-worker legislation in our state and how it benefits cut-rate contractors and less-skilled workers from out-of-state. We applaud the Governor’s effort to put an end to this and set Wisconsin apart again as a nationwide leader in skilled workforce, apprenticeship training, and a sustainable construction industry.
Thank you Governor Evers for your vision and path towards a “Badger Bounceback”.