MILWAUKEE – County Supervisor Felesia A. Martin is calling for Governor Tony Evers, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and all municipal health departments across Milwaukee County to include MCTS bus drivers in Group 1b for COVID-19 vaccine distribution.
“Our bus drivers perform heroic deeds and serve our communities with distinction,” said Supervisor Martin. “When I think of the selfless acts of public service carried out by our bus drivers, I think of my constituents Janette, Mike and Ron whom are dedicated MCTS employees. They show up every day ready to meet whatever challenges they see. They play an important role in getting Milwaukee County residents to work and other activities which are vital to the health and economic strength of Milwaukee County. It is imperative for them to receive the vaccine immediately.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently laid out recommendations for Phase 1b of vaccine distribution. The CDC recommends vaccinating essential workers such as firefighters, police officers, corrections officers, food and agricultural workers, United States Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers and those who work in education (teachers, support staff and daycare workers) in this phase.