Contact: Irene Lin, Nelson for Wisconsin

New endorsements and previous 3 local firefighters unions show “Labor for Tom” momentum 

Appleton, WI – The Nelson for Wisconsin campaign today announced the second round of endorsements from members of the “Labor for Tom” coalition. The coalition consists of labor advocates and unions who support Tom Nelson as the best candidate to defeat billionaire son-in-law Ron Johnson and fight for Wisconsin’s working class. This group of endorsements consists of labor leaders from all different trades from around the state.

Nelson said, “Having this diverse group of labor leaders’ support makes me so proud. I have spent my public service career putting workers first. Growing up in a neighborhood where everyone’s families worked at the local paper mill, I always ask first if any policy benefits the folks I grew up. Those interests, and not those of Wall Street, will be my priority in the U.S. Senate.”

These endorsements join the three local firefighters unions that endorsed Tom earlier:

Green Bay Area Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 141: “Like many other members of the middle class, our wages and means of supporting our families have been drastically cut year after year. Now is the time to take a stand. The motivation, professionalism, honesty, compassion, and fiscal responsibility that Tom Nelson displays daily is exactly what we need, and that is why Green Bay Area Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 141 is honored and proud to endorse him.”

Appleton Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 257: “As firefighters, we support those who support us. Tom Nelson has a lengthy history of doing just that for all first responders. That’s why Appleton Fire Fighters Local 257 endorses Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate.”

Grand Chute Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 3655: “Tom Nelson has a long and extensive history of supporting the Town of Grand Chute and Union Firefighters. His commitment to working people has always made him someone that can be relied upon. Tom represents a compassionate and honest politician who understands the needs and wants of those who dedicate themselves to the protection of the citizens of Grand Chute and its surrounding communities. Grand Chute Fire Department Local 3655 is both honored and privileged to endorse Tom for U.S. Senate.”

List of Labor for Tom Endorsements

Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Local 599: “The Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Local 599 is proud to endorse Tom Nelson for the U.S. Senate. Labor needs a strong voice and champion like Tom who will fight hard for working families every day. Tom knows the value of union labor and the crucial role construction trades play in our communities, growing economies and improving quality of life.”

Tim Jacobson, Chief Steward, UAW Local 578: “Tom’s dedication to union causes and Wisconsin manufacturing is unmatched with real accomplishments. I’m proud to endorse a fellow labor leader to serve the great state of Wisconsin.”

John Matthews, Executive Director, Madison Teachers Inc, 1968 – 2016: “I’m endorsing Tom because he’s committed to quality education and valuing teachers. Having known and seen Tom’s leadership going back to his days in the legislature, I know he’s going to protect Wisconsin’s public schools with his leadership, listening, and advocating for what’s right.”

Ryan Steffel, President, IAFF Local 1594: “Tom’s history of integrity and heartfelt leadership makes him an ideal candidate for the people of Wisconsin. I’m impressed with his work as Outagamie County Executive and his involvement in saving the jobs of hundreds of workers at our nearby paper mill. Tom has set a clear example of his commitment to the Wisconsin worker.”

Joe Resch, Vice-President, IAFF Local 1594: “As a firefighter, I know Tom’s got my back and I’m proud to endorse him for the Senate. He has a vision for Medicare for All but in the short term, allowing public safety workers to buy into Medicare for those who risk their lives everyday for our communities.”

Kilah Engelke, Recording Secretary, Milwaukee Building-Construction Trades Council: “Not only has Tom been a loyal supporter of unions, but he also understands the opportunities the building trades offer to women as well. I’m proud to support him as the Senator we need for workers.”

Jon Geenen, Former United Steelworkers International Vice-President: “Wisconsin has a rich history of labor activism and no one gets this better than Tom Nelson. A man who never had to be asked to help, and offered assistance every time any Wisconsin paper mill faced a crisis, Tom has proven his commitment and loyalty to advancing the worker’s cause. I know no one will fight harder in the U.S. Senate for Wisconsin’s working men and women.”

Dave Branson, Local Labor Leader: “Tom Nelson has been a loyal advocate for working men and women. Labor unions know we have no better friend. As a steamfitter, I know Tom is dedicated to Wisconsin workers. He has the best record for fighting for us. I’m proud to endorse him to be the next Senator from Wisconsin.”

Nick Liesch, Sheet Metal Workers Local 18, business representative (retired), Past President of NorthEast Wisconsin Building and Construction Trades Council: “It’s past time to make this a better world for our children and grandchildren by investing in a labor-first climate solution while creating good paying jobs for working families. I’m certain Tom Nelson is the right person for the job in the U.S. Senate.”

Link to endorsement tweet HERE