MADISON, Wis. (Nov. 29, 2021)NFIB filed an amicus brief in the case Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, et al., v. Tony Evers, et al. at the Wisconsin Supreme Court, opposing Governor Evers’s plans to publish the names of businesses that have had employees test positive for COVID-19 and the number of employees who have tested positive. 

“The governor’s plans will ultimately do more harm than good for small business owners in Wisconsin,” said Karen Harned, Executive Director of NFIB’s Small Business Legal Center. “Publishing the names of businesses with employees testing positive for COVID-19 will permanently impact small businesses’ financial recovery throughout the state and not slow the spread of the virus. We urge the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reverse the court of appeals decision and not allow this ill-advised plan to proceed.”  

“Small businesses in Wisconsin continue to struggle with challenges such as worker shortages and supply chain disruptions,” said Bill G. Smith, NFIB Wisconsin State Director. “Unfortunately, the governor’s plans won’t help curb the spread of COVID, but rather inflate the current problems they’re already facing.”

NFIB has previously opposed Gov. Evers’s plans and urges the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reverse the court of appeals decision.

NFIB filed the amicus brief with the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, Restaurant Law Center, Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce, Wisconsin Dairy Alliance, Wisconsin Builders Association, Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce, Waukesha County Business Alliance, Associated Builders and Contractors of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin Grocers Association, and Wisconsin Paper Council. 

The NFIB Small Business Legal Center protects the rights of small business owners in the nation’s courts. NFIB is currently active in more than 40 cases in federal and state courts across the country and in the U.S. Supreme Court.