On Thursday October 28, a marathon 9-hour committee hearing about Wisconsin redistricting was held. Only two people — the bills’ authors — testified in favor of the maps. In stark contrast, more than 200 people from all parts of the state traveled to Madison to show their disapproval of the maps, including scholars well versed on redistricting. The hearing highlighted the many deficiencies of the proposed maps.
To help educate legislators prior to voting on SB621 / AB624, voters across Wisconsin are sending the attached memorandum to their State Senators and Assembly Representatives, making five points: 1) in Wisconsin we value our freedom and fair play, 2) the weight of the evidence goes against the proposed maps; 3) legislators need to look closely at the maps before they vote; 4) they are faced with a moral decision, and 5) their vote will be their legacy.
The Memorandum was prepared by North Shore Fair Maps co-lead Deborah Patel, who states: “People in Wisconsin know our current maps are some of the worst in the country, and they don’t like it. The proposed maps are even worse! These maps deny voters their freedom to cast a ballot that matters. They fail to meet Wisconsin’s constitutional requirements. They do not comply with traditional redistricting principles. They are not just. They are unjust–unfair, immoral, un-American. Our legislators will be known by their vote on the maps. What will their legacy be?”
The memorandum and attachments are attached. They can also be accessed at https://bit.ly/
For a list of individuals participating, please contact Deborah Patel. Patel is a retired lawyer and former Whitford plaintiff. She founded and co-leads North Shore Fair Maps, a nonpartisan group of citizens dedicated to ending partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Through monthly meetings and more, we educate ourselves and our neighbors about the intricacies of redistricting, and take action to bring fair maps to our state. Our team is centered in the North Shore suburbs of Milwaukee. Read more at