MADISON, Wis.— Opportunity Wisconsin released the following statement today marking the 100 days since the American Rescue Plan was signed into law by President Biden.

Meghan Roh, Opportunity Wisconsin program director:

“We’re incredibly grateful to our elected officials who delivered on their promise to help Wisconsin workers and families recover from a pandemic that has devastated communities across the Badger State. Whether it’s shots in arms, money in pockets, or relief for small business, we’re 100 days in and the American Rescue Plan is already a game-changer for so many in Wisconsin. 

“Unfortunately, Senator Ron Johnson did everything he could to prevent this from happening, and we all must hold him accountable for standing in the way of Wisconsin’s recovery.”

The American Rescue Plan is working for Wisconsin:

$1,400 Rescue Checks

2,722,268 households in Wisconsin received a check, for a total of $6,981,675,000 in rescue checks.

Child Tax Credit

1,159,000 Wisconsin children under 18 – 92% of all Wisconsin children – will benefit from the expansion of the Child Tax Credit. The law will lift 56 percent (94,000) of the Wisconsin children under 18 who are living in poverty closer to or above the poverty line and 27 percent (46,000) of Wisconsin children under 18 will be lifted out of poverty.

Percentages are calculated by dividing the percent of children lifted above or closer to the poverty line by 167,882, the total children under 18 living in poverty in Wisconsin as reported by Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE).

National Vaccination Program

Instead of leaving states to fend for themselves, the American Rescue Plan establishes a national program to rapidly distribute vaccines while also providing funding for testing and public health initiatives. In total, the bill spends $160 billion to continue our fight against the virus. A majority of Wisconsinites are now vaccinated with at least one dose.

Lower Marketplace Premiums

The average premium on a Benchmark Silver plan on the ACA exchange in Wisconsin will drop by $580. 51,900 uninsured Wisconsinites are now eligible for tax credits on the ACA exchange, 31,600 of whom are now eligible for $0 dollar benchmark Marketplace coverage. ARP lowers marketplace premiums in Wisconsin for those 400 percent above the poverty line.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

The $28 billion in this fund is specifically designed for any establishment where food or drinks are sold, and the grants do not need to be repaid. Restaurants can receive grants up to $10 million, and will be calculated based on their lost revenue during the pandemic. Before passage of the ARP, 13% of restaurants said they would most likely close without federal aid.

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