Madison, WI – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services released their Reported Induced Abortions in Wisconsin 2019, an annual publication of statistics on abortions performed in Wisconsin. Abortions in Wisconsin increased by five percent for the 2019 reporting year over 2018.
It is with great sadness that we share the news of yet another increase in the abortion numbers over the course of 2019. Pro-Life Wisconsin grieves each and every one of the 6,511 babies who were killed by the violent act of abortion in the reporting year. This increase indicates that 287 more lives were taken by abortion in 2019 than in 2018.
“Some might not consider the five percent spike in Wisconsin abortions alarming, but that depends on your perspective. We were not the ones being killed,” says Dan Miller, State Director of Pro-Life Wisconsin. “Pro-Life Wisconsin and our supporters will redouble our efforts to make abortion illegal and unthinkable once again. It is high time to grant legal personhood to the preborn child and free them from the slave-chains of abortion.”
It is our great hope that through fervent efforts to educate, activate, and legislate, we might begin to see the fruits of our labor and witness a decrease in abortions in the years to come.
But we cannot accomplish this without your help.
We need YOU to continue joining us on the sidewalks in front of abortion facilities to lovingly speak with abortion-minded women and couples. We need YOU to continue joining us in speaking up for the sanctity of human life in your families, workplaces, and schools. We need YOU to continue joining us in support of local pregnancy resource centers – vital spaces for women to encounter their child through ultrasound technology and receive the listening ear and counsel they so desperately desire. We need YOU to continue contacting your legislators and joining us in prayer for an end to abortion. We are calling upon YOU today to sow the seeds of life in your community and bring forth a thriving culture of life for Wisconsin.
Through Christ, all things are possible. We will continue to fight for the rights of every preborn child until they are recognized as persons, enjoying equal protection under the law.