Contact: Gary R. Goyke, Legislative Liaison, 608-219-5237,

At the adjournment of their recent Legislative Day, five public and private transportation provider organizations honored the WDOT (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) with a 2021 Outstanding Public Service Award. 

The public recognition of WDOT, which was accepted by Secretary-designee Craig Thompson, was presented by the following organizations:

Wisconsin Association of Mobility Managers (WAMM)

Wisconsin Coordinated Transportation Cooperative (WCTC)

Wisconsin Association of Taxicab Owners. (WATO

Specialized Medical Vehicle Association of Wisconsin (SMVAW)

All Aboard Wisconsin (AAW)


The Presidents of the five associations assisted in the presentation.  They are: 

Holly Keenan, President of the Wisconsin Association of Mobility Managers. (Appleton) 

Jim Brown, President of the Specialized Medical Vehicle Association of Wisconsin. (Wisconsin Rapids)

Mark Jones, President of the Wisconsin Association of Taxicab Owners. (Neillsville Wisconsin)

Nona Hill, President of All Aboard Wisconsin (Madison )

Karl Schulte, President of the Wisconsin Coordinated Transportation Cooperative. (Madison)

“We thank the WDOT for helping us navigate the pandemic by assisting, guiding and educating our 37-member Transportation COVID 19 Task Force,” Goyke said. ”The Department’s leadership limited the spread of the vírus through coordinating best practices for transportation providers.  There is no doubt in our minds that this support by our WDOT helped save lives throughout our state,”  Goyke added.

WISDOT. 2021 “Outstanding Public Service”.  Presented to the Wisconsin DOT for its leadership and interest in reducing the spread of COVID-19.  The WDOT assisted and coordinated the 37 member COVID 19 Public Transportation Task Force.  The Department’s leadership limited the spread of the virus through best practices for transportation providers, which helped save lives.  Presentation coordinated by Karl Schulte, President of WCTC and Vice-President for Green Cab of Madison and Janesville.

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