MADISON – State Representative Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) issued the following statement regarding the Legislative Audit Bureau’s report on the 2020 election:
“After a careful review of the Legislative Audit Bureau’s elections report, it’s clear that it is time for Wisconsin to take off the rose colored glasses. The Wisconsin Election Commission failed to properly manage voter registration, train clerks, or comply with security issues on electronic voting equipment. To make matters worse, 48,554 indefinitely confined individuals who had not previously voted with an ID or did not have a photo ID on file, voted on Election Day. The integrity of the 2020 election has been shattered. Moreover, the unwillingness of the city of Madison to cooperate with records, adds to the damages contained in this damning report. Governor Evers and his democrat colleagues in the legislature have an obligation to help bring transparency and equity to our elections. The citizens of Wisconsin deserve fair, honest and transparent elections.