“Tonight, Governor Evers reminded all Wisconsinites how far we have come in the past year, and how important it is that we work together to address the challenges that lie before us,” Rep. Hintz stated. “Gov. Evers offered a clear, calm reminder that Wisconsin is strongest when we support one another and show compassion and care for those around us. I applaud Gov. Evers for lifting up the contributions and accomplishments of Wisconsinites during this historic time, and for his call that we come together as we continue working to find solutions that will help all Wisconsinites.


“As Gov. Evers highlighted this evening, we must enact real public health solutions and provide meaningful economic relief for individuals, families, and small businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic. As we do so, we must take action on the issues facing our state that predated COVID-19. We have seen the continued consequences of racial disparities undermine our communities for far too long and in too many ways. Too many Wisconsinites still struggle to make ends meet on a full-time paycheck, to be able to go to the doctor, to pay down their student loan debt, or to afford high-quality child care. And we know that Wisconsin continues to have gerrymandered political districts. These important issues need our attention, and I am glad Gov. Evers is offering solutions like nonpartisan redistricting and fixing our unemployment system.


“We face big challenges in the coming year, and the people of Wisconsin are counting on us to come together to find solutions. Let’s get to work to move Wisconsin forward.”

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