MADISON – Today, the Wisconsin State Assembly took up a strong bipartisan compromise version of AB1, which received overwhelming support in the State Senate and which Governor Evers indicated he would sign. Instead of sending the bill to Gov. Evers for his signature, which would have delivered needed resources to help Wisconsin combat the pandemic, Assembly Republicans voted to further delay providing COVID-19 assistance to the people of Wisconsin. Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement:
“Once again, the actions by Assembly Republicans will result in the people of Wisconsin having to wait for urgently-needed COVID-19 relief. After 286 days of inaction already, this additional delay is petty and dangerous. Wisconsin is experiencing a once-in-a-century emergency, and our constituents cannot afford to wait even longer for help from the state legislature.
“This bill passed the Republican-controlled State Senate with bipartisan support. Governor Evers said he would sign it. Let’s get it done. Compromise is a part of the process of getting things done, but given the actions of today, Assembly Republicans think otherwise.
“Many of the COVID-19 provisions passed with urgency last April expired months ago, even though significant health and economic challenges remain. The lack of urgency over the past eight months has been disappointing. But delaying and perhaps even jeopardizing a bipartisan bill from becoming law is inexcusable. The public wants their elected leaders to act, not play political games or assuage the Speaker’s ego. Today, Assembly Republicans let the people in our state down.”