Contact: Rep. McGuire, 608-266-5504
MADISON – Rep. Tip McGuire made the following statement about Gov. Evers’ budget address this evening, introducing the Badger Bounce Back Agenda:
“Tonight we heard Gov. Evers’ vision for the future of our state when he introduced the Badger Bounce Back Agenda. As I have said many times over, working people and small businesses are my number one priority, and I am grateful that Gov. Evers’ budget strongly prioritizes Main Street as well.
“In his 2021-23 budget, Gov. Evers has prioritized:
– Middle class families, by investing in child care and helping families buy homes and build equity.
– Workers, by increasing the minimum wage and repealing harmful policies like Right to Work
– Main Street businesses, by investing $200M in small business programs and $29M in workforce development initiatives
– Entrepreneurs, by creating a $100M venture capital fund
“I hope that as the budget now goes to the Joint Finance Committee for consideration, that they also put our working families and small businesses first, maintaining these important investments in our people and our communities.”