MADISON – State Representative Timothy Ramthun (R-Campbellsport) released the following statement regarding the Legislative Audit Bureau report and Racine County Sheriff Press Conference: “I have continued to pursue truth and integrity of our 2020 general election. Recent developments have made it abundantly clear that the legislature should not have certified Wisconsin’s ten electoral ballots on December 14th 2020.” “The release of the bi-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau report identified 44,272 voters did not reflect proper voter identification and also revealed the mass increase of indefinitely confined voters from 4,505 in 2019 to 169,901 in 2020. Tainted or fraudulent, these alone should be enough to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election results.” “Additionally, after review of today’s press release from the Racine County Sheriff’s Department, it was confirmed that on March 12th 2020, the Wisconsin Election Commission knowingly and willfully directed all 72 county clerks to violate state statutes 6.84 and 6.875 regarding absentee voting in certain residential care facilities and retirement homes. This unlawful direction clearly broke state statute 12.13(2)(b)(7) which refers to intentionally violating election laws. When combined with the Legislative Audit Bureau report, these actions verify that our election process was fraudulent.” “Therefore, I call upon the Wisconsin Legislature to recognize its duty under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, as well as the guidance provided from ss6.84(1), to decertify Wisconsin’s November 2020 election results by reclaiming its ten electoral ballots.” “We can no longer delay with stall tactics, wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars, or the silence of the full legislative body. It falls upon us to take this historic action and answer the call for this injustice. It’s beyond time to work of, by, and for the people of Wisconsin.”