MADISON – State Representatives listed above released the following statement regarding Monday’s  Growing Threats to Election Professionals in Wisconsin news conference:  

“Senator Bernier announced the Election Official Legal Defense Network (EOLDN) would be providing  free legal defense attorneys for election officials. This effort is funded by a non-profit organization  called the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR). We question the ethics and legality of  clerks receiving pro-bono assistance from non-profits.”  

“It is relevant to let the people know that of the $300 million that Mark Zuckerberg donated for elections  in 2020, $250 million went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and the remaining $50 Million  went to CEIR, who later received an additional $19.5 million for a total of $69.5 million.”  

“CEIR founder, David Becker, present at the conference claiming there was no evidence of fraud, has a  long history of working in elections. In 2005, an ethics complaint was filed against him for being  partisan in a non-partisan role against Republicans as a trial lawyer in the Voting Section in the U.S.  Department of Justice. He left that role shortly thereafter and became a senior staff attorney of the left wing activist group People for the American Way in 2006, and became director of their campaign in  2007. Afterward, he became director of election initiatives at PEW Charitable Trusts and created the  Electronic Registration and Information Center (ERIC), a national computer voter registration system in  2008 which currently shares voting data in 30 states.”  

 “We find it interesting and most concerning that this individual, who happens to be the founder of the  ERIC system and the CEIR, would need to create EOLDN to offer pro-bono attorneys to defend election  officials. We find it further concerning that Kevin Kennedy, former director of Wisconsin’s Government  Accountability Board, who also led on the John Doe investigation against the Walker campaign, is also  on the board of directors for CEIR.”  

“It appears the press conference panel’s answer for those who question the integrity of an election  influenced by Zuckerberg money, is to bring in more Zuckerberg money from CEIR and EOLDN to  protect those who took Zuckerberg money from the CTCL.”  

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