Rep. Shelton, 608-266-0616
Badger Bounceback Agenda Prioritizes Health and Equitable Economic Recovery
Madison, WI — Governor Evers delivered a critical message for Wisconsinites across the state tonight, “we are going to be ok.” No corner of Wisconsin was left untouched by the COVID-19 global health pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. The Badger Bounceback Agenda helps us all see the light at the end of the tunnel and lays a path for an equitable recovery. By investing in our health, economy, education, and environment, Governor Evers is meeting the needs of Wisconsinites. Wisconsin State Representative Kristina Shelton (D-Madison) released the following statement:
“It’s energizing to see Governor Evers’ articulate a clear vision for recovery and healing in Wisconsin. We overcame immense challenges and hurdles over the last year. Through loss and grief, Wisconsinites continue to rise to the occasion.
“Wisconsinites deserve bold, people and planet first solutions as a blueprint to our ever increasing challenges and demands. This is not the time for a mediocre middle. Working families have been asked, time and time again, to sacrifice and do their best with the bare minimum. It is time for the state to give back in helping families, small businesses, community organizations, and schools so that together, we not only recover from the pandemic but emerge stronger, more democratic, and economically secure.
“The budget proposal demonstrates the Governor’s commitment to immediate solutions for active recovery and a long-term investment in the working people of Wisconsin and our shared communities. I look forward to advancing these priorities in the 90th Assembly District and helping to pass a budget with bipartisan support. The people of Wisconsin are hopeful. Now is the time for us to rise together to center our shared values and belief in government of and for the people.”
The 2021-2023 biennial Badger Bounceback Agenda includes proposals such as: marijuana legalization, Badgercare expansion, $200 million in small business relief, two-thirds funding for public education, and a funded tuition freeze for the UW-System; proposals to make our criminal justice system more fair and equitable; environmentally smart investments in flood protection and abatement, and investing in energy efficiency and training for green jobs to uphold our commitment to be 100% carbon free by 2050.