MADISON – Following the vote in the Wisconsin State Assembly to repeal Governor Evers’s mask order, Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit) released the following statement:
“I am deeply disappointed in my Republican colleagues’ decision to repeal the Governor’s statewide public health emergency and mask order. With case counts finally decreasing and vaccines becoming available, this is exactly the wrong time to give COVID-19 more chances to spread in our state. Removing safety measures when we are gaining ground does not make sense, and this repeal needlessly endangers our seniors and Wisconsinites with pre-existing health conditions.
“Republicans have failed to pass COVID-19 relief, and now they’re risking millions of dollars of federal FoodShare funding while making the pandemic worse. Repealing the statewide mask requirement is the first thing that legislative Republicans have passed related to COVID-19 since last April and the first legislation to pass both chambers this year.
“The Republican action to repeal the mask order today is a slap in the face to our healthcare heroes, who have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic to protect Wisconsinites. It is also an insult to families and small businesses across the state, who cannot afford to wait any longer for meaningful action from the legislature on COVID-19 relief.
“Wearing a mask when out in public is the least we can do to protect the people around us. We have lost too many Wisconsinites to COVID-19 already. Masks work – political posturing doesn’t. ”