MADISON – Today, the State Senate met for session and voted on a slate of GOP led bills that play to special interests.
Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:
“Our job as legislators should be to address the issues ordinary Wisconsinites are facing – not catering to special interest groups with deep pockets. My Democratic colleagues and I work tirelessly to address the needs of our friends and neighbors. We meet with advocates. We consult with experts at state agencies. We hold listening sessions. We roll up our sleeves to address real issues real people in our state are facing.
“Much of the legislation the Senate took up today, authored by the majority party, took the opposite approach. The GOP did the bidding of an extreme hunting group out of Kansas, rather than listen to sportsmen and sportswomen in Wisconsin. Additionally, we heard the majority party cite Mississippi as a model of public education, rather than engaging with educators who are on the front lines right here in Wisconsin to create policies to restore our public schools to the place where our kids and schools are the most successful in the nation.
“This is not how we should be doing things. If we want to solve real issues facing Wisconsinites, we need to bring Wisconsinites to the table and hear their voices.”