“With Governor Evers due to make his budget request next month, many are concerned that the budget process will not reflect the will of Wisconsin voters,” said Chuck Ogg of the Rock County Progressives. “It is important to keep in mind that Evers represents a majority while many Republicans gained power through gerrymandering.  Therefore we are excited to have Mike McCabe speak at our upcoming forum. Mike believes the budget proposal will be ‘pronounced dead on arrival in the do-nothing legislature…unless the governor employs a strikingly different strategy than he did two years ago, one that compels legislators to negotiate with him in good faith.’

“The educational forum will be held on Wednesday, April 14 on Zoom, the meeting beginning at 6 PM with Mike speaking at 6:30 PM, the public is invited and can go to RockCountyProgressives.org or email us at RockCountyProgressives@gmail.com to receive a Zoom invitation.”

“Our Wisconsin Revolution grew out of the Sanders campaign and is “an independent social justice organization working to make both our economy and our government a true democracy—of, by and for the people.’

“Mike was the former director of Blue Jeans Nation and the former Executive Director at Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.”

Further information:


The Rock County Progressives are a nonpartisan organization and this is not meant as an endorsement.

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