Madison, WI – Wisconsin’s three (3) largest veterans groups – The American Legion, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) – applaud the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, especially its Chairman John Macco (R)-Ledgeview, for today’s unanimous, bi-partisan vote advancing Assembly Bill 245 (AB 245). This Executive action makes the bill one step closer to becoming law.
AB 245 will provide desperately needed property tax relief to severely disabled veterans and their surviving spouses. The 3 Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) have made and will continue to make this bill our #1 legislative priority.
These disabled veterans have suffered numerous physical, mental, and moral injuries while defending our freedoms. Almost all of them are struggling financially as a result. The ability to work has been diminished and their choice of careers has been limited.
Passage of this legislation will honor their sacrifice and offer a hand-up by reducing the fiscal barrier which prevents many disabled veterans from owning a home in which to raise a family, or it will assist them or their surviving spouses in keeping their homes.
On behalf of our combined statewide membership of over 90,000 veterans, we look forward to working with the full Assembly and its Leadership to secure passage of this important bill. Our advocacy efforts will include respectfully requesting Assembly leadership schedule the bill for a vote during one of its upcoming November floor sessions.
It is our goal to work with the State Assembly, State Senate, and the Governor to see that Wisconsin’s disabled veterans and their surviving spouses will be honored on Veterans Day this November 11th by the passage of this significant legislation. Passage will let future generations know Wisconsin is a leader in supporting veterans and their families.