WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) joined House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Congressman Tom McClintock (CA-04), and 143 of his Republican colleagues to introduce the Illegal Immigrant Payoff Prohibition Act of 2021.
This legislation was introduced in response to reports that the Biden Administration is proposing to pay up to $1 billion to individuals who illegally entered the United States. The bill would stop this plan by preventing the Attorney General from making settlement payments to individuals and families who entered the United States illegally.
“Rewarding those who break our laws with a $1 billion payout lacks as much logic as it does sensitivity to the needs of the American people. I cannot comprehend how President Biden could weigh this as an option or consider this a sound idea,” said Congressman Fitzgerald. “For context, this payout would give illegal immigrants more money than gold star families and some families of 9/11 victims. This is an insult to hardworking, taxpaying Americans and I’m proud to join over 140 of my Republican colleagues on this bill to stop the Attorney General from making payouts to illegal immigrants. This plan must be stopped dead in its tracks.”