Contact: Kelli Liegel

WASHINGTON, DC – In the middle of the night, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee discharged legislative text in support of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget framework – the most expensive budget framework in U.S. history.

Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) introduced three amendments in an attempt to improve the partisan legislation, but all three were voted down by the Democrats. The first amendment offered by Congressman Fitzgerald would have restricted funds to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) until the State Department verifies that American citizens being evacuated from Afghanistan are not charged for their repatriation flights; another amendment would have prohibited amnesty for sex offenders; and the last amendment would have restricted the Attorney General from awarding a competitive grant or contract to a local government that has a policy against prosecuting violent offenses that affect the health, safety, or economy of the community. 

“Prohibiting amnesty for sexual predators should be a no brainer; withholding grants and contracts from local governments that make it a policy not to prioritize the health and safety of the community should be commonsense; and ensuring that Americans who fled Afghanistan from the Taliban are not charged upwards of $2000 for their repatriation flight should be a priority. The Democrats voted down all three of these proposals, there is no line they are not willing to cross to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, and ram trillions of dollars in partisan spending through the House,” said Congressman Fitzgerald.