WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Democrats voted to pass H.R. 842, partisan legislation that robs workers of workplace freedoms, forces employers to give labor organizations access to employee contact information without consent, and lines the pockets of union bosses by enacting mandatory union membership.
Congressman Fitzgerald offered an amendment on the House floor in an effort to improve the legislation. This amendment would have empowered workers by requiring labor unions to receive written consent from an employee before using union dues or fees collected for non-collective bargaining activities. Congressman Fitzgerald made the following statement after final passage of the bill:
“I spent my tenure in the Wisconsin State Senate fighting for labor reform that would give more freedom to workers. I saw firsthand the positive impacts of giving workers a voice in the workplace rather than making them pay a union as a cost of their employment.
“By passing H.R. 842, Democrats have unilaterally gone against the will of 27 states who have enacted their own right to work laws and the workers who enjoy this freedom. This is not democracy in the workplace, as they claim, it is the opposite.”