WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the spirit of National Use Your Common Sense Day, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) today encouraged House Democrats to pause their radical tax and spending plan to consider basic questions about the policies they’re proposing.
In a video highlighting some of the many nonsensical provisions in the reconciliation package, including provisions that would alter the cap on the SALT deduction, remove work requirements for welfare benefits, and hand out billions of dollars to illegal immigrants, the congressman said, “I get that common sense is an uncommon virtue in D.C., but the current direction we’re going in isn’t just nonsensical — it’s an outright assault on common sense…We should reconsider the direction we’re going in, and National Use Your Common Sense Day is the perfect time to do just that.”
Click HERE to watch the video, or read the text of his comments below.
As Democrats barrel ahead with their radical tax and spending spree that would dramatically reshape the American economy, it is deeply ironic that today is “National Use Your Common Sense Day.” I swear, it is. And in the spirit of the day, I’m urging my Democratic colleagues to pause for a minute and ask some basic questions:
- Does it make sense to pay illegal immigrants billions of dollars at a time when illegal immigration is hitting record highs?
- Does it make sense to pay people not to work at a time when businesses across the country are facing a crippling workforce shortages?
- Does it make sense that the largest provision in a bill that is supposedly paid for by “taxing the rich” is a massive tax break for some of our wealthiest American citizens?
- Does it make sense to incentivize Americans not to get married at a time we should be encouraging strong families?
- Does it make sense to increase the cost of childcare and saddle childcare providers with mountains of student debt in an effort to lower these costs?
- Beyond the bill, does it make sense to target parents who voiced concerns about Critical Race Theory at a school board meeting as domestic terrorists?
- Does it make any sense that the Biden Administration has no interest in uncovering the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, or that they spend more time demonizing the unvaccinated than pressuring China to cooperate with the origin of the pandemic investigation?
Obviously none of this makes sense. But my colleagues on the other side of the aisle don’t seem to care.
I get that common sense is an uncommon virtue in D.C., but the current direction we’re going in isn’t just nonsensical — it’s an outright assault on common sense. Particularly when the House that is narrowly divided, the Senate is deadlocked 50-50, and the President won narrowly, common sense would dictate you govern with a moderate agenda. But instead, Democrats are pressing forward, even after the clear signal the American people sent earlier this week with the Virginia election and a variety of other elections around the country, they’re pressing forward with this highly progressive and radical agenda.
That simply does not make sense.
We should reconsider the direction we’re going in, and National Use Your Common Sense Day is the perfect time to do just that.