June 15, 2021



Samara Sheff



Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes for Committee Passage of NSF for the Future Act and DOE Science for the Future Act that Includes Numerous Provisions that She Authored


Today, Congresswoman Moore’s was pleased to support passage of a bipartisan legislation H.R. 2225, the National Science Foundation for the Future Act and HR 3593, the Department of Energy Science for the Future Act to reauthorize federal research and innovation programs. Both bills include numerous provisions authorized by Congresswoman Moore. including provisions in the NSF bill to expand support to community colleges, to authorize research into innovate clean water programs, and a provision that would expand research capabilities at minority-serving institutions, such as Alverno College in Milwaukee, but also includes historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s), and tribal colleges and universities. At today’s markup, she also offered an amendment to H.R. 3593 to boost support in clean water and water research with the DOE Office of Science. In response, she released the following statement:


“Research is how we can improve lives, protect our planet, and drive innovation. Protecting our precious water remains my priority, and creating more diversity in STEM careers secures some equity and opens doors for people who lack the opportunity to get in the room alone.


“To build a diverse STEM workforce, we need to invest in the colleges and universities that can strengthen the pipeline for STEM workers of color. I am pleased to have worked with Chairman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas in a bipartisan fashion to boost efforts in HR 2225 to increase opportunities for underrepresented communities in STEM. My changes to the bill would boost NSF funded STEM support for community colleges, which is often seen as a more affordable higher education option for diverse communities. My other amendment – based on bipartisan legislation (H.R. 3840) I recently introduced – would also create a new program, authorized at $100 million per year to build research capabilities at emerging HBCU’s, tribal colleges and universities, and Hispanic-serving institution’s to help ensure all students have access to STEM opportunities Lastly, I am pleased to have worked to advance a bipartisan effort with Rep. Young Kim to increase K-8 STEM opportunities in our schools.


“We also need to protect the health of our water systems. In H.R. 2225, I pushed for inclusion of a provision to boost clean water research at NSF to advance our understanding of water availability and quality, and to support the development and deployment of innovative technologies to address water challenges.


“I also offered a successful amendment to HR. 3593, which will help us shed light on how we can safeguard our water for future generations. That amendment would support DOE Office of Science research efforts that seek to understand human and climate impacts on our watersheds , including encouraging work with key stakeholders such as nonprofit organizations like Milwaukee’s Water Council and academic institutions.

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