Hi, I’m state senator Dale Kooyenga.

Tax relief has always been a top priority for the Republican legislature. That’s especially true with new estimates showing tax revenue will exceed projections by an unprecedented $4.4 billion over the next two-year budget.

It’s time to give some of that back to the people who earned it. Republicans in the legislature are working on a tax plan that will permanently return surplus dollars to middle class Wisconsinites by lowering income tax rates and slimming down the tax code in the process. When Madison takes less from workers, small businesses, and homeowners, it strengthens the backbone of the Wisconsin economy.

Over the past 10 years, Republican budgets have reduced taxes by over $13 billion. Meanwhile, despite dire predictions at the time, revenues are up by nearly $5 billion.

Republicans know that lower taxes means more revenue, not less, because lower taxes trigger economic activity, investment, and growth right here in the great state of Wisconsin.

Taking less of peoples’ earnings is also the right thing to do.

Government took too much from you, the Wisconsin taxpayer, and our priority is to give that extra money back.

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