Contact: Philip Shulman (
Madison, Wis. — As Wisconsin hospitals face nearly full ICU wards as COVID cases surge, Ron Johnson has continued his crusade to prolong the pandemic by discouraging Wisconsinites from getting vaccinated as well as pushing dangerous and unproven treatments such as Ivermectin. Doctors and other health care professions have pleaded with Senator Johnson to stop undermining their efforts to get the pandemic under control.
- Despite unvaccinated people accounting for over 99% of COVID hospitalizations and deaths, Johnson continues to sow doubts about the effectiveness of vaccines.
- Johnson has used faulty and incomplete data to discourage vaccinations and push dangerous alternative treatments like Ivermectin, which is a dewormer medication for livestock that has put numerous people in the hospital.
- Johnson, who for months complained that the vaccine was under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, is still disparaging the vaccine even though the FDA has fully approved it.
- Johnson previously stated: “if we have an effective vaccine and a safe one, and that’s the only one we’ll release. But if you are out there undermining that possibility, that will cause people’s deaths.”
- Johnson claimed that ventilators, which keep critically ill COVID patients alive, are doing more harm than good.