(MADISON) — Today, the Biden administration released fact sheets showing the importance of increased infrastructure investments in each state. During his first term, Gov. Tony Evers has made great strides in improving Wisconsin’s infrastructure – investing $465 million in state transportation and $54 million in broadband expansion, the largest investment in state history.


While Gov. Evers has made tremendous progress, there is still work to be done. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan would have a massive impact on the country, and includes billions of dollars to repair roads and bridges, modernize public transportation, ensure every community has access to clean drinking water, and expand access to broadband, among other things.


On top of President Biden’s proposed plan, Gov. Evers has proposed historic investments in infrastructure in his Badger Bounceback agenda. The governor’s 2021-23 budget once again proposes the largest state investment in broadband access in state history, putting nearly $150 million toward expanding broadband infrastructure in underserved areas and $40 million toward helping low-income Wisconsinites afford internet services. Gov. Evers’ budget also includes investments to fix our roads, improve public transit, and ensure infrastructure equity and accessibility.


Read more about the infrastructure needs of Wisconsin and the American Jobs Plan below.


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Biden administration touts American Jobs Plan’s benefits for Wisconsin


As part of its pitch for passing infrastructure legislation dubbed The American Jobs Plan, the Biden administration on Monday pushed out a state-by-state case for the impact the measure could have.


Biden touts his plan as one that would rebuild aging roads and bridges, help provide clean water and create more clean energy for Wisconsin residents and people across the United States.


In total, the American Jobs Plan would provide a sweeping $2 trillion for infrastructure and jobs across the country, highlighting causes Biden campaigned on, such as providing more aid to caregivers.




The plan pegs Wisconsin as a state with “outsized potential” for clean energy innovation, including carbon capture and sequestration and geothermal energy generation.


Rural broadband is touted as a key area the plan addresses by making it easier for local governments and member-owned cooperatives to build and operate networks in competition with companies like AT&T, Frontier Communications and CenturyLink.


The Biden plan could bring about $4 million into the state for broadband projects, in addition to the $200 million proposed in Gov. Tony Evers’ biennial budget.




Patch: Biden’s American Jobs Plan Highlights Wisconsin’s Needs


A state-by-state breakdown on how President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan would revitalize the nation’s aging infrastructure and bring millions of new jobs was released by the White House on Monday.


The $2 trillion plan aims to tackle the miles of bridges and roads across the country that are in need of repair, as well as to increase housing affordability and access to broadband internet, ensure clean drinking water for communities and revamp the country’s energy grid.




WMTV: Wisconsin infrastructure has plenty of room to improve, White House finds


A White House report touting the Biden Administration’s multi-trillion dollar infrastructure program finds Wisconsin lacking in multiple areas and promotes how the plan could help.




When it comes to transportation, the White House report estimates the average Wisconsinite’s commute time has increased by nearly three percent and they are paying more than $500 extra in car repairs because of road conditions. Those who rely on public transportation, a disproportionate number of whom were classified as non-White, spend over 62% longer on their commutes.


Just under 200 bridges and nearly 2,000 miles of highway were judged to be in poor condition.


Wisconsin also lacks affordable housing, the report claims. It states 327,000 renters in the state are rent-burdened, which the federal government defines as spending more than 30% of income on rent.


The report also includes estimates for how much the state will need to protect itself from extreme severe weather events, to keep its drinking water safe, and to increase broadband coverage.


It also cites how President Joe Biden’s plan will provide care to older adults and people with disabilities. Finally, it notes over $800 million is needed for school maintenance in Wisconsin and points out more than half of residents live in a child care desert.




Green Bay Press Gazette: How Green Bay-area leaders dream of spending infrastructure money from Biden’s plan


People would see parks, shops and new apartments along the Fox River instead of unsightly coal piles, cross a new bridge south of De Pere to reach the interstate and ride trains to the Titletown District and Milwaukee.


That’s if Congress approves President Joe Biden’s sweeping $2 trillion American Jobs Plan.


And it depends on whether the final version of the infrastructure bill allows cities and counties to spend the federal money on those kinds of projects.


Those ideas are merely the dreams of greater Green Bay leaders until all of that happens, the money is allocated and elected officials agree on how to spend it.


Biden’s proposal focuses on traditional infrastructure needs as well as expanding broadband internet access, raising the wages of care workers and revitalizing manufacturing.

